
Integration Week 2024

When ?
August 30 to September 4, 2024

Where ?
Campus EPFL, Lausanne (CH)

(but not only…)

Payment of registration :

The registration payment, CHF 310.- for an all-inclusive week, is made via PolyBanking (Postcard, Swiss postal account or credit card only) or directly at the AGEPoly store on the campus of EPFL. It is mandatory to complete the payment in order to validate your registration! Any unpaid registration will not be considered.

Conditions of participation :

There are two non-negotiable conditions that must be met to be able to participate :

1- be a new student starting their bachelors or CMS at EPFL in September 2022
2- be at least 18 y/o at the start of the week (i.e. be born no later than September 08)

Registrations will open soon!


Here are the questions we are most often asked. If yours remains unanswered, do not hesitate to contact us!

The Integration Week, also known as “SI”, is a week of pure happiness where you are immersed for the first time in the world of EPFL and Switzerland for some. Basically, it’s full of games, parties, good fun, meeting people and above all it’s a big family.

We organize the week to suit as many people as possible. So we have planned activities for all tastes! Whether it is parties, games, walks… We are sure that you will find something to have fun and have a good time. Plus, it’s the perfect opportunity to meet your friends before the start of the school year.

Yes, accommodation is included in the price, so don’t worry, we have thought of a cozy little bed for each of you!

And yes, these are “real” accommodations, it will not be camping in a tent :))

No ! We don’t do hazing during integration week. Our goal is for everyone to feel good during the event, to come out of the week with a huge smile and with a plethora of friends for the start of the school year, even for life for some!

No, you will work enough throughout the year. Our goal is to put you in the best mindset to start your studies at EPFL as calmly as possible. By arriving with a good group of friends, you’re ready to get working from the first few weeks.

At PolySI we like to keep as many surprises as possible, nonetheless we can spoil you a few things : you will arrive at the start of the school year knowing the campus, the city and the region like the back of your hand, and surrounded by good friends who will be precious for the year that awaits.

We are a group of 12 students who have been working on the integration week for almost a year. During the event, we are joined by about twenty staff who will be with you all week. They will quickly become your friends and share their experiences and tips regarding EPFL, such as the cheapest coffee on campus or the best study rooms. 

PolySI is a non-profit association, which means that the money paid during your registration is entirely used for the organization of the integration week, i.e. to house you, feed you, allow you to visit the campus and its surroundings as well as organize all the activities for a whole week.

I think the question is quickly answered. More seriously, EPFL courses cover all at the basics needed, so you really shouldn’t worry. Keep in mind that you have 14 weeks of classes without a break, that’s already long enough, so we can only encourage you to make the most of your summer.

We would love to take everyone who wants to participate in the event, but unfortunately this is not possible due to our insurance. Even if your birthday is September 11, you must be of legal age when the event begins, meaning you cannot attend. No exception will be made in this regard.